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Happy New Year! | 2016 News from the MF Fire Team

The Perfect Burn

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope everyone had a great 2015! As the year came to a close the MF Fire team was hard at work testing our brand new Mulciber smart electric stove. Early tests show super fast start-up, incredibly clean burning, and a beautiful full fire view.We put together a quick video for you during one of our tests here. We would love to hear your feedback and if you like the video please share with anyone else who would enjoy it. We have more footage of our Mulciber in action on the way.

We’re also seeking additional funding for our smart electric stove in 2016. MF Fire is polishing up our business plan, and we expect to gain more investors through crowdfunding & VC funding. If you know anyone seeking a great business to support, please share MF Fire with him or her.

We will have a lot more news in the next few weeks! Also, check out below for a recap of the exciting year we just finished.

Stay Warm,
MF Fire Team

2015 MF Fire Year in Review
