GVH Live – MF Fire – Taylor Myers – Campus Innovator Series

GVH Live, an online media organization providing news targeted at millennials, profiles founders Taylor Myers and Ryan Fisher as part of their campus innovators series.
The campus is University of Maryland. The innovation is the Mulciber stove, now renamed the Catalyst. This stove is digital, allowing the operator to adjust the temperature from his or her smartphone. The stove is also efficient – the most efficient stove on the market.
These innovators are taking this efficient wood heater to market, upending the wood heating industry. “Emission standards for wood stoves have not been updated in The EPA …proposed new emission standards that would make 95% of presently sold wood stoves illegal. Manufacturers fear that they will be unable to meet these new regulations, and as a result the industry will collapse. The Mulciber stove can fix that.”
Watch them talk about our efficient wood heater here!