4 Facts on the Future of Modern Wood Stoves

This isn’t the first time wood stoves and Washington have intersected. MF Fire won the low emissions prize at the the 2013 Wood Stove Decathlon in Washington D.C.
Wood stoves made big news recently because of the new two-step emissions regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The first step of the new EPA wood burning stove regulations, which went into effect in May 2016, prohibits the sale of any wood stove that emits greater than 4.5 grams per hour of particulate matter (or soot). The second, and far tougher, step of the new EPA wood burning stove regulations begins January 1, 2020. The 2020 EPA rules prohibit for sale any stove emitting more than 2.0 grams per hour of particulates. It’s hard to understate just how big of a shake up this will be in the wood stove world. Consequently, these market shifts pave the way for modern wood stoves.
Contemporary Wood Stove Market
Contemporary wood stove manufacturers in the United States sell more than 200,000 wood burning stoves each year, with models ranging dramatically in performance. Many articles discuss how the new stringent standards from the EPA will weed out under-performing models, but we at MF Fire decided to perform our own analysis to see how our ultra-clean modern wood stove, Catalyst, will fare compared to our competitors in the future.
Here are four quick facts about how the contemporary wood stove industry will change forever:
- 85% of the current wood stove models listed by the EPA will retire as they fail to meet the new standards for modern wood stoves.
- 41 manufacturers have no modern wood stoves that meet the second step of the EPA wood burning stove regulations slated to take effect in January 1, 2020.
- Experts project that 86% of approximately 60 wood stove manufacturers will leave the market in the next 4 years as a result of having 1 or fewer viable models for sale.
- Even the largest wood stove manufacturer, Hearth & Homes Technologies, will retire an estimated 35 of its 49 models (69%).
Modern Wood Stoves

MF Fire got it’s start in the University of Maryland Fire Lab, and we believe that more research is the way forward.
Suffice to say, a massive hole exists in the U.S. residential wood stove heating market. The solution, that we at MF Fire embrace, is aggressive research and development, as well as radical innovation. But, what makes an innovative and modern wood stove?
- Great aesthetics
- Smart efficiency, which translates into savings for you
- Real-time safety alerts for you and your family
- Smart, clean burning, reducing soot & air pollution within your home
Most importantly, our modern wood stove, Catalyst, easily exceeds the stringent 2020 EPA wood burning stove standards. This means that Catalyst will be a smart choice for years to come.
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