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Clean Wood Burning Stoves

MF Fire started with a vision to make a low emission wood stove that can be an enjoyable source of clean energy. With Catalyst, you get the most efficient wood stove. It’s smart, easy to use, and incredibly clean. Catalyst solves the issues that make a wood stove dirty, delivering a virtually smoke and soot-free experience.

Clean Tech and Low Emissions Champion

Catalyst has taken the wood stove and clean energy world by storm, winning the MIT Clean Energy Prize and back-to-back low emissions prizes versus the industry’s best at the Wood Stove Decathlon and Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge. These competitions burned wood the way you do with seasoned cord wood, not some artificial lab test. Take home the only undefeated low emission wood stove, Catalyst.

Award Winning Wood Burning Stove
Clean Wood Burning Stove

You Deserve Clean

Wood fires are great except for all the smoke and soot. Over time, it gets on and into everything: walls, furniture, clothes, your house and cars. It also creates health issues – it is a leading cause of lung disease, asthma, and respiratory illness. You deserve better. To solve this, we make clean wood burning stoves that lets you freely enjoy the warmth and comfort of your fire.


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No soot to wipe off or lingering smells

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Less creosote in your chimney

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Fewer ashes to dispose of

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Breath cleaner air

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Lower health risks

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Less pollution in your home and neighborhood

Save Money with a Clean Burn

A low emission wood stove is good for your wallet. Fire produces byproducts such as soot, creosote and ashes. These are the result of an imperfect burn and result in less heat energy to warm you. A clean burn – one that more thoroughly consumes the wood without byproducts – gives you more value from your wood. Not only do you gain health benefits and a cleaner house, but you save money.

Efficient Wood Burning Stove

Award Winning
